When cleaning power is brought right to the point, 

then it's  next level cleaning.

Power to the max

Powerful. Sustainable. And maximally efficient in terms of cleaning power:

This is the RD3maX high-pressure nozzle system. Specially developed for use in the concrete industry, it can handle even the harshest soiling scenarios. It achieves this thanks to:

  • Flow-optimized design
  • Improved efficiency
  • Sophisticated self-cleaning system specially developed for applications with concrete
  • Operating pressure of 120 bar
  • 22 kW cleaning power
  • Cleaning cycle duration of 2.5 min

The newly designed Walter MaxImpact high-pressure nozzle brings cleaning performance right to the point. How? Thanks to optimized focusing for the highest possible intensity.

Simple retrofit

The RD3maX nozzle system is compatible with the Walter RD3 standard: All Walter systems of type Walter DAB or MB (from 22 kW / 100 l/min) can be equipped with it. This makes the system ideal for all cleaning systems on twin-shaft and single-shaft mixers.Tip: Ideally, combine a retrofit with a maintenance appointment. Our technicians will then adjust your entire system to the correct operating pressure at the same time. We also provide this extra service if you use the system in the course of a new project.

Make an appointment now: >

With the RD3maX you get the maximum out of your cleaning system - and act sustainably.

Because our products bring you added sustainability, cleaning power, durability, safety and efficiency.

Typical Walter! >

RD3max washhead


RD3 washhead mounted on mixer lid RD3 washhead inside the mixer after cleaning impact comparison of Walter RD3 washhead and RD3max washhead
Improved cleaning results.
Less manual after-cleaning.
Greater range.

Technical data

Cleaning power:

 22 kW / 30 hp

Operating pressure:

120 bar / 1740 psi

Duration cleaning cycle per RD3maX:

 2,5 min


Walter MaxImpact 0021

Electrical connection:

400 V / 50 Hz / 0,12 kW


Do you have any questions?

Our sales team will be happy to answer them for you.

Sabine Neumann
made with ♡ by andres.media & DIE NECKARPRINZEN