Wenn hohe Qualität auf beste Beratung trifft,
ist es next level cleaning

Quality installation & commissioning service

For all Walter cleaning systems

Assembly and commissioning 

With our highly qualified sales and support team, we are available to our customers before and after the purchase to provide advice and assistance - around the clock. For us, customer proximity means that we are immediately at your side in the event of faults or application problems. Our aim is to accompany you through the entire ordering process right up to installation and the entire service life of your WALTER system with our service.

We carry out a professional installation of the system and a trial operation under test and production conditions with you. You will receive instruction and complete commissioning on site.

Symbol resembling service work
  • Professional assembly
  • Optimisation or adaptation of the components to the application requirements
  • Trial operation under test and production conditions
  • Production support/supervision, if necessary with adaptation work
  • On-site instruction in technology and function
  • Instruction in safety instructions and accident prevention
  • Complete commissioning
made with ♡ by andres.media & DIE NECKARPRINZEN