Just the right pressure and flow for next level cleaning.

Stationary pump systems for cold water

High pressue pumps for manual and automated cleaning jobs

For all applications where water up to 40°C / 100°F is used, we offer powerful high-pressure pump units for automated cleaning tasks as well as for use with manual workstations. The durable units are perfect for use in automatic mixer cleaning for the concrete industry but may also provide the necessary power for various kinds of container cleaning. We'll scale the systems to perfectly fit your individual requirements to give you as much power as possible with as little input as necessary.

We have a range of standard, well proven units available but can adapt those if so required. Since we also make the electric controls linking the pump units to all outlets, manual or automatic, we'll get the most out of the system for you and hence increase your ROI on the system by using the same pump system for as many different outlets as possible. 

Depending on space requirements at your facility, we can build the units in (almost) any shape necessary; as one compact system including the control panel on an easy to install L-frame, on a simple base plate for mounting onto any existing structures, or even inside a secured and covered frame. 

Safety is of course always at the top of the list as well: our pump systems are equipped with a number of electric and mechanic controls to make sure the systems' power only ends up where it should: on the surfce to be cleaned and nowhere else!

See here an exemplary selection of the WALTER pump systems available but please get in touch so that we can help you find the right one for you!

Stationary pump systems for cold water High pressue pumps for manual and automated cleaning jobs
made with ♡ by andres.media & DIE NECKARPRINZEN