If you are always "Up To Date",
it is next level cleaning

Effortless Cleaning for Nozzle Heads

One of the most frequent issues with automatic cleaning systems in concrete mixers is the nozzle heads getting caked up in concrete and hence rendering the high-pressure wash system useless. Now the WALTER systems and RD3 wash heads are already superior in keeping not only the mixer also themselves clean but just in case, if you have a nozzle head in a particularly hard-to-reach area which is impossible to reach with the manual spray gun, you can automate the head-cleaning as well with WALTER: We strategically install an extra nozzle which then ensures the head stays clean and functional. 

  • Save time by reducing manual cleaning.
  • Ensure consistent cleaning performance for better results.
  • Extend the lifespan of your nozzle heads.

Interested? Contact us today to learn how our automated cleaning solutions can make your processes more efficient!

made with ♡ by andres.media & DIE NECKARPRINZEN